Day 237-Dr Skeychys – Part 2


  • It was hard to see the models legs because they were behind the hulka hoo

I won two tickets to the next theatrical at Chay Noir.  It reminds me of a strongman posing at a sideshow. Started with my Noodler Ahab and filled I with my Pentel brush pen and my red Tombow.

I am not really fond of any of these. Started with my Noodler Ahab and filled I with my Pentel brush pen and my red Tombow. Accents with my wink of Stella’s.  I have a red, a black, and a gold one. 

The last pose of the night?! I guess she was tired.  I know we were after more than ten sketches in a couple of hours. 

Started with my Noodler Ahab and filled I with my Pentel brush pen and my red Tombow.

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