Day 256 – Another Dog

Dogs are big in my family. All of us have at least one and some of us have several. I have two. A Jack Russell who I posted a couple of days ago and a huge lab. Honey is a chow hound. Loves biscuits and I mean the southern kind not cookies but she will eat those too. She is always thinking about food.  

When I got her from the Aiken pound she weighed about 75 lb. We have fixed that. She now weighs about 110 pounds.  The dog seriously loves food. She also steaks food off the kitchen counter especially any bread product. 

Anyway this is drawn with a black Pentel brush pen. The highlights are gouache as is the background.  The lettering is done with the Kuratake brush pen. 

The thought of food makes her joyful. And you can see it I this picture. 

Thanks for looking!! 

Day 219 More Caran d’Arches Experiments


This is a sketch using Caran d’Arches Neocolor II looks
pretty lame until you wet the colors.


Then it looks like this. All of these sketches were done with the Caran d’Arches and then sprayed. The bottle I use does a very fine mist. The paper is Strathmore 500 Mixed media.


I love the way it will run a bit. Sometimes less sometimes more depending on how much I spray it.




Tufted Titmouse – the grey stuff below the bird is not where I messed up but where it ran. I love runny stuff.


Cardinal. Love the drippy stuff on this one. I did highlight the eyes with a gel pen.


My secret weapon. An old spray bottle that makes a fine mist!!

Thanks for looking!!