Day 169 Cadaques Spain

Verdict out on this one. I know u are tired of that line but maybe I will like it better in the am. Usually do.Paint along with Vladislav Yesileyev

Vlads photo

My drawing

First wash

Still first wash on sky and boat.

Background trees washed in.

Done for tonite.

Margaret watching kitties play. Xoxoxo

Day 165 Key West time

A work in progress.

To chop it down or not to chop it down. What do you think? .

The sketch and then I forgot to take photos. Duh. Did not turn out the way I had envisioned but it’s growing on me. Like it better without the bikes.

Just some of the watercolor paint my dad left me. I have a lot more since I don’t buy a lot of Cheap Joes. Just alizarin and Andreas turquoise. Some of this paint is more than twenty years old and still soft and useable. Aka good paint.

BUT I am going to replace the Lukas paint with Cheap Joes. Good paint as opposed to crappy paint at a reasonable price. Cheaper than any other except Lukas which is nasty and chalky.

Spent the day sorting my own paint for an upcoming class. I did find quite a few tubes on her list.

Swore I was never buying more paint then I hit amazon. More paint coming. Oops!!

I mean I didn’t have the right colors for the Kathryn Giles class, you know?! And I have been on the search for a good Transparent yellow. She says she has one. We shall see. Besides I eat Cad yellow and cad yellow light like peanuts so I can always use more..

Back to Schitts Creek. Margaret xoxoxo

Day 164 Sweating in Barcelona

Another wild paint along with Vlad. Can’t wait for the next one Sunday. Painting boats. Love boat paintings

10×15″ Kilimanjaro 300#. I decided to use Kilimanjaro to see if it scraped like the nasty arches did.

The Arches scrapes great to do leaves, branches or grass. Maybe it will scrape for boat lines. Or I can use my dads antique arches that’s probably 20 years old. I know it scrapes great.

The photo. Kind of a nothing photo don’t you think except nice sunny light, umbrellas and a beautiful old building.

The value sketch

First wash- the water stage

Colors growing. Aka more first wash. Umbrellas really orange but odd it looks so red in this photo.

The second darker washes more pigment. The tea stage.

The last layers. Lots of milk. Aka thicker paint. I think mine moving be too thick.

And the way it is now. Kinda wishing I had not added the Browns and the grey trees on the left. Sometimes I get up in the morning and like them a lot better. We shall see right?!

Had fun drawing all over it with my white gel pen zip zip and always solid unlike white gouache.

Margaret ready for bed but has to watch one more episode of Schitts creek-my current binge. Soooo funny on Netflix’s. Watch more than one before you pass judgement. Xoxoxox

Day 163 Key West Dreamin

Actually Laguna Beach. Crystal Cove I think. 1/4 sheet Fabriano rough press. If this were key west there would be a chicken or two and maybe a bicycler.Paint along with Vladislav Yesileyev.

Wishing I were walking out these gates to the beach. Reminds me so much of Key West. This Covid needs to go away so we can GO again. I know first world problems. I have to stay home and paint instead of going and painting.

The photo

The value sketch

The drawing.

The first wash. Wild ride getting this done.

Second was. Love the background trees.

Lots of negative painting. That means painting around the shapes to make them pop.

Still needs something. I know. MORE darks and lots of them.

Here it is again done.

Nite nite. Off to bed. Painted til 7 walked two miles. Did the power plate a half an hour. Zzzzzz

another paint along with Vlad tomorrow. Off to Barcelona.

Margaret Xoxoxo

Day 162 Out My back door

Scribbling the birds eating and the lush greenery from all the rain.

No pencil in this sketch. Just using the Caran D’ache Neocolor ii crayons which are a lot of fun.

May hit this with water. The colors will really pop but it would loose all the scribbley lines which I like. What to do what to do. Stay tuned.

Caran d’ache Neocolor ii stillman and birn Alpha

Margaret off to Laguna Beach CA to paint with Vlad Yesilesev. You should come too. Get ready for paint to fly. Xoxoxo Have a wonderful Sunday.

Day 161 a spot of urban sketching

While I was out running a few errands yesterday.

Love this old red pickup. If it had power steering I would buy one I think. Big enough to carry everything you need! It sits outside a vintage store near me. I drove by it all the time and admire it.

The sketch. Lamy Ef I think.

Caran d’ache neocolor ii stillman and birn

Margaret ready for bed. Xoxoxo

Day 160 – Wow

We are already 160 days into the corona virus epidemic. Hard to believe but then I guess 170000 dead says it all. Right?!! 😢😢😢

So I entertain myself with drawing my back porch birds and the other animals in my life. I do love to think about what they think. So I give you the Beauty contest page 😬

Lamy Ef, Caran d’ache neocolor ii, Noodlers Eelskin Ink, Stillman and Birn Alpha.

Five kitties on my back porch. Anyone need one. Wild cats one and all but hopefully tame soon.

Terrible pics. They really are adorable playing the way kittens do.

Margaret xoxoxo who hopes you all are safe and healthy. Bet I will be drawing kitties soon but first I better wash those windows. 🤭🤭🤭

Day 159 Bits and bobs

Wish I had taken a pic of Cafe du Monde earlier. I had completely wiped off a lot of the painting with my sea sponge. Kinda like it now. Jury’s still out. From a Paint along with Vladislav Yesileyev

This has been lying around at least a month waiting to be finished. Actually thought I would paint on the back but it’s natural Fabriano. Not a fan of natural so would paint on almost anything white before I would paint on this paper.

Somewhere in Paris is done. Off the board signed. I added a lot of darks behind the vehicles which made them pop out. Best fun still goes to that white gel pen which I also used on the cafe du monde. Another storm line blowing on from Georgia. At least this one didn’t scare Zoe.

Margaret wondering why we keep getting monsoons every nite. Xoxoxo

Day 158 Update

The Finger Lakes Upstate NY

Fabriano 300# rough 15×22″Paint alongs with Vladislav Yesileyev

Done. I lost a lot of whites and can be almost impossible to get back.

Had fun drawing white lines on it with my white pentel gel pen. It easily lays down a really white covering line. If it’s not getting entered in a Watercolor Show doesn’t matter if it’s gouache or gel pen does it?! Yesterday. I added ALOT OF DARKS today and tried to finish the water. A few more windows and darker ones bigger shadows more shadows. Greyes the power pole down. Built a fence and a dock well sort of.

Somewhere in Paris
Fabriano 300# rough 15×22″


Added more darks and some whites with my white pentel gel pen. The darks really make both of the paintings pop don’t you think!??

I think when it comes down to it I just like to draw with something. A pen is good a crayons works so does a dark juicy pencil.

Fabulous clouds tonite.

Margaret xoxoxo

Day 157 The Finger Lakeside

So far. Still needs some more touches here and there and something in the water. But not to bad. It was a wild paint along today with Vlad.

Vlads photo

Vlads value sketch

The sketch with masking fluid applied.

First washes. Water looks really dark until more layers are added.

So many washes so little time.

And once again now. Needs some more darks I think.

Storm rolling in today. Oddly we didn’t get a drop of rain. Certainly looked like it. The sky was really dark inside the house too but nope not today. Just a big tease.

Watching Perry Mason with Matthew Ryhs on HBO. My friends say it is really good.

So far I give it really interesting – reserving judgement. Interestingly enough Perry Mason’s a private detective, John Lithgow is the attorney; and so far, Paul Drake is a cop.

Hmm people are not playing the parts they should be. Margaret Xoxoxox