Inktober – 24 Down

Seven to go. Used three pens. Lamy Ef or a micro uniball and sometimes a white pentel gel pen.

What can I say. All Zoe.
Here’s the star. She’s run me off the sofa except for the corner of one cushion. She needs the rest today.
One of my favs
She doesn’t often lie facing me.
If at first you don’t success try try again.
So I succumbed to too much white pentel gel pen. Might have been a good one otherwise.
Love this one.
The best one so far I think. Drawn w a micro uniball.

Kicking back. She rarely lies on her back.
Out my windows this am!! Love the light hitting the mist.

Margaret excited I have made it this far in inktober. Xoxoxo

More inktober

Can scarcely believe I am keeping up. 18 days now and 18 drawings. That’s a first for me.

As you no doubt know my model is prone to rolling over stretching and turning her back on me if she’s annoyed. Does she care if she’s holding the pose like a good model?! NOPE!!

Margaret trying to keep the words to a minimum. Lamy Ef w Platinum Black ink black micro uniball white pentel gel pen and stillman and birn alpha. Small books are so much less demanding. Xoxoxox

Inktober – One Week down!!

It’s that time of the year and so far I have done seven drawings. That’s a new high. Usually do one or two and stop.

Blue uniball in a stillman and birn alpha.

It’s the smallest stillman and birn. 4×6”
Thought I might actually do the drawings if I didn’t have too much space to fill up. So far that’s working.
Giving me the Jack Russel state. No idea what she wanted.

And a superhero quilt for my oldes grandson. His request.

And a car quilt for my youngest grandson whose two.

Also baked and baked and then baked some more. Pumpkin spices cookies. Choc chip cookies. Scratch biscuits. A quiche. Pumpkin streusel muffins. I am tired now. Nite nite.

Margaret xoxoxox