Selfie time

Eeekkk. Tyvek selfie 18×24″ Dr Ph Martin Hydrous Watercolor.

Taking a class with Myrna Wackov. Check the link her fascinating website and blog. Quite interesting all self portraits on strange surfaces. Today was tyvek a plastic material that houses are wrapped with – that white outer layer before the siding goes on. Yes you can use watercolor on it.

She had us sketch a selfie three Times using contour drawings.

Photos were taken by reversing iPhoto and using a timer delay. Then looking down at the phone. Always a scary proposition. Try it for some whacky selfies.

Then we drew it with a needle nosed bottle on the tyvek w well Karen and I used diluted burnt sienna Dr PH Martin watercolor. It disappears leaving no lines.

Then we added watery Dr PH Martin watercolor. I actually drew with the end of my perla paint brush dipped into the watery dark hair paint to get the thin lines. I also used my Isabey squirrel mops. Did my Charles Reid splatters. Turning it into a soppy mess.

Myrna uses all kinds of things to paint and draw with – sharpened chop sticks coffee stirrers mop strings even tampex. Yes you read that right!!

One last thing about this wonderful product. You can wipe it off while wet. You can even use the Kleenex used to wipe out to stamp color elsewhere. Strange stuff tyvek. Also what post office mailers are made of.

Margaret exhausted Xoxoxox

Day 2o7 – Shoe Time

When I was a kid going to UGA we had to draw 150 drawings per art class each quarter. At times I took 3 art classes, a full load. That was 450 drawings besides 6 hours of class daily and lots of homework. We would run out of ideas for drawing.

One of my friends Carolyn Cates drew her shoes. I decided to draw my favorite Pappagallos. I loved these shoes. Expensive for a student but not meant for walking the campus in all weather. They were notorious for falling apart in a sudden rain shower.

Anyway, you are not here to hear me reminisce but to talk paint. That painting and the shoes have long disappeared so I decided it was time to recreate them.

I googled Pappagallos to see if there were any photos online. I didn’t find mine but I found a few similar pairs for sale on etsy.

Cute aren’t they?!

These are for sale on Etsy!!

Love these. Too bad they are the wrong size I would say SOLD!!

These pics revived forgotten details like the blue striped interior, the turquoise sole, the small stacked heels.

So I drew my old long gone favorite Pappagallos with my Noodler Creaper Ahab.


I was cleaning up the lettering. I thought it was dry. OOPs, it wasn’t!!! A smear!!!

What to do??!

TIP–  You can always glue some of that paper we all save over your mistakes.  Glue some of my vintage ledger paper over it.


Oops, that didn’t work. Look at all the feathering around the pen line!


Finally I found a piece of scrapbook ledger paper. Tested it with my pen. NO feathering. Hallelujah!! Modge podge it down!!

TIP- Modge podge is great for gluing down great for SECURELY gluing paper down in your art journal. Learned that from Mary Ann Moss!! Thanks Mary Ann!!


Here it is finished?! Wait – no it needs something in that wide border. What?

FINISHED Finally!!!

Colors? Dark blue cobalt outer border and a double black line done with my Noodler helped. And the ultramarine blue line around the title with another double black line helped to make it pop. I am
Not a faded out kinda girl. Vivid and bright is me!!

Once again contrasting colors helped with that. For the background I used yellow ochre with a little grey mixed from burnt sienna and cerulean. The cobalt blue border made it pop. The cobalt also brings out the blue bows on the shoes.

The green is manganese blue and yellow. The almost black dark on the bows and x’s is ultramarine blue and burnt umber.

And that’s it. Go forth and paint your shoes. The brighter the better. Maybe some of the snazzy sneakers in wild colors!  And use contrasting colors. You will be glad you did.

Thanks for looking!!!