Day 1803 Kate Marie rocks it

Kate Marie. Fluid 14o # hot press. Half Sheet

Not finished-Not perfect yet but lot better than the last few I did of her.

I actually drew this twice. First time she was soooo small. I ripped the tape off flipped her over and redrew her to fill the page. a quick redraw in 20 min got her on the paper in better shape than the first time. If it weren’t downstairs in the car I would post the first awful drawing.

Second break. About a half and hour of painting. I need to work on those feathers some more but they were fun to paint with Prussian blue and burnt umber.

Colors used cad red light and yellow ochre for flesh. Cerulean peacock burnt sienna for shadows. Hair yellow ochre and burnt umber and raw umber. Shoes burnt umber and ultramarine. Ps the shoes aren’t done yet.

Margaret whose exhausted after a five hour drive all over Georgia fro

Buckwheats to east Atlanta to Decatur then lawrenceville and finally home home Home!!!! After a two weeks absence I might not get up til noon. Xoxoxo