Day 1216 – going to the birds?!! Kim Day 4!!!

Kim Johnson Costa Rican Sand pipers It’s the length of full sheet watercolor paper about 30 inches. Kim started doing it to use up scraps. I haven’t tried this yet. I was too busy painting the chickens. But this is definitely on my to do list.

Kim starts by drawing the birds lightly on the paper. Her long bird paintings with LOTS of splashes and splatters which all by themselves are too much fun to do. She’s using a blue a red and a yellow in this case a yellow orange. Could be a perfect spot to try out the Bob Burridge color wheel combos.

She starts on the left and paints to the right.

And the birds start to appear like magic. And here they are so you can see them up close. Such fun. Much splashing of water is involved in this. While it’s still wet she goes back on with a cats tongue brush and adds to the legs and beaks.

She also uses individual pics of the birds laying them out the way she wants them.

Great stuff and she says they are very popular.

Kathy Bovards fabulous chicken that she gave me. LOVE this so much. She’s just an amazing painter. Also painted this charming papillon.

Janettes fabulous penguin. What awesome colors. So charming.

And Patty Brady’s birds that were done like Kim’s. Not sure whose.

That’s a wrap folks. Time to finish unpacking and paint. Xoxoxo Margaret whose going to finish the painting of Honey.

#birds #loose #watercolor #aquarelle #splash #charlotte #northcarolina #kimjohnson #nancycouick #splash #splatter