A Few heroes

Finally upgraded for more storage. Been driving me crazy since July so for my birthday I but the bullet. One reluctant hero and one who was much more interested in truth telling.

These are about 6×8″ in a Stillman and Birn Alpha because it lies flat when it’s open. . Thinking about prints or a book. So far I have drawn 29 of these and only six left to do. Why you ask. Because I don’t ever want to forget.

Watercolor and inktense pencils.

In the process I have found more artists like me that draw the hearings. This is my fifth hearing- drew the Comey, Sessions, Cohen and Kavanaugh hearings. Making a record for the future. What makes them good models is their tendency to look in the same seats and look in the same direction for a good bit of time helping facilitate the drawing. Try it. You might enjoy it.

Ok the other sketch artists on twitter :

R my friend and compatriot Ruth with whom I have drawn many times – Britpeach on Instagram

Xander Berkeley on Twitter and actor and an artist. He was actually in the Walking Dead and Longmire. Going to have to check him out on Netflix’s.

And Dave Choate also on Twitter.

I even was messaged by a woman whose mother drew the Watergate Hearings.

Margaret off to another birthday dinner with family. Hugs xoxoxox

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