Somewhere in Italy

So far 15×20” hahnamuhle rough 140#

On the whole I like it but feel it’s a little light. I will sleep on it and decide. Paint along with Vladislav Yesileyev

The photo
The sketch
Even before painting I managed to smear the worst color of all to remove- Alizarin- on my lovely pristine white paper.
I did blot it off a little. By the end it seemingly became much less noticeable. Thank goodness.
First wash. Boy that took forever. While it looks dark right now it really dried to become very light. cobalt alizarin yellow ochre and cad orange
Sky wash done. I managed to keep my fingers out of for once. Cerulean neutral tint dioxzine violet
Adding shadows. Cobalt yellow ochre dioxzine and neutral tint
Suddenly those darks make the first washed look so light. How strange is that?! The blooms aka rocks on the foreground are made by splattering water on the greys once it dries a bit.
And done for now. You can only see a bit of the alizarin smears. Handy the lady has an alizarin top isn’t it!?

Margaret all in for tonite. Michael’s tomorrow for some fixative I hope. Otherwise waiting til I go to Blick this weekend.


Mark Making!!

Bluebells 2
20×22” Arches cold press 300#

May be a wip aka a work in progress.

First layer watercolor. Lots of yellow and green ultramarine. Slinging paint with the sword brush. What fun.

Makes a lot of Texture

Adding some darks. More paint slinging.

Waiting for some purple and blue pastels to show up from Amazon because I really didn’t have the any good purples or blues.

And I made quite a mess. Paint all over the floor and the tv screen. Oh and me. But still loved doing it.
Done for now. What do u think?! Margaret xoxoxox who should be slinging more paint.