Day 810 SoLD!!!

Sold four of my sketches from Saturday. 


This one should be sold soon. 

Some how I did not take a photo of the fourth one oops.
Anyway busy drawing in the diet journal hunting elephants and camels at the circus to draw and walking a jillion miles and stairs. 


Margaret xxx

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Day 811 The Circus

The Circus was in Aiken last Monday. I drove around in back to check out the animals. All they had were the camels and the elephants. I have never drawn camels before. Not sure how well they turned out but I do like the truck.  Too bad I ran out of room for it.  Oops. 

Love drawing elephants. The one on the left moved a lot. And they were whisked off to perform before I got a chance to get out of the car. 😔 

These were drawn with a Noodler Konrad in a strathmore landscape watercolor sketchbook and actually painted with watercolor using Ted Nuttalls transparent colors plus cerulean. 


Margaret xxx think I will go draw some more trucks!! 🤗

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Day 812 Another Saturday 

WIP Ilania they always need tweaking 🙄🤔😳 24×30″ I guess that’s to be expected when u actually only have a total of one and a half hours from start to finish with the live model. 

Forty minutes. 

80 minutes 

Drew Murphys 24×30 acrylic. He uses big bristle filberts and I mean big one and a half inches. 

Drews earlier. 

Al Beyers oil at the end of class. 

Als at second break. 80 minutes. 

Alex’s. Always lovely. 

Lees conte crayon.  

Lees earlier. 

Lee is so fast …..

He got two done. 

Fred decided not to paint her head today. But I love the rest of his painting. Such great colors. Gorgeous darks and wild lights. 

Jeremy always does great pencil sketches with his trademark circles. 

Mary Donnan’s lovely head. 

Mary Donnan’s at first break. 

Our newbee Rachel millers. Only a year sketching. Always amazes me. And she speaks at least 6 languages. 

Tom Needhams gorgeous watercolor. Lovely skin tones. 

Charcoal done by the lady who was next to me. Really caught Ilanias likeness. 

ACs always interesting oily washes painting. 

Elizabeth Britt-Moretz. Love her expressionism. 

That’s all folks. 

Margaret xxx

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