Day 782 or should I say 7?! 

Title page of my strathmore 500 mixed media diet journal so far. 

Day 7 of my 8 week blood sugar diet. I got on the scale yesterday am and after only FIVE days I had Lost SEVEN pounds. I was totally shocked.  

I have already drawn day 6. But I still have to color it. 

A few notes on art media used. I love my Tombow markers. So easy to use and if you wet them with a paint brush it’s easy to soften edges and mix colors. But so sad they are fugitive. The colors will fade even in the dark. 😏

I have tried substituting my Winsor newton watercolor markers which are NOT fugitive. They just don’t give me the same effect. Guess more practice is required. 

Strathmore 500 Mixed Media sketchbooks. My hands down favorites well except for Stillman and Birn but I can not get them here. I guess I should get extras when I go to Atlanta. I can buy the Strathmore with coupons at Michaels so that’s what I tend to use. 

I have only one complaint about them. Neither of them lay flat like moleskines do. And some pages they really don’t lay flat. 

Sock knitting has slowed down. Hoping now that I seem to over the fatigue from lack of carbs I will get back to these. 

Anyway off to walk and climb stairs. Just realized it’s ten am and I haven’t eaten. And I am not hungry. Hmm.  
Only 49 days left !!

Thanks for reading. 

Margaret who is off to walk three miles I hope today. Xxxx

#sketching #art #drawing #history #restoration #augusta #atlanta #ink #maggieinsc #dog #artist #dailydrawing #love #entertainment #watercolor #life #sock #minimoochi #gouletpens #noodler #fairisle #colorwork #deartrementisdocumentbrown #diet #bloodsugardiet #800calories #tombow #diabeticcure #diabetic #sugar