Day 337 – More Ponce Market


My favorite side of the old Sears building now known as Ponce Market.  Both have problems. 

I drew this one first but really had just wanted to feature the tower and the sign. Love that sign.  Vintage but brand new. 
TIP: Since I didn’t use a pencil or a ruler you might be wondering how i get all those lines parallel and fairly straight. I put the pen on the paper with my hand on the side of the paper and run it down the page with my hand sliding down the edge of the paper. It really does work. Try it. 

Colors same as yesterday.  Noodler Creaper Ahab loaded with Carbon Platinum Black Ink.  Stillman and bIrn Alpha.  The color was hard to move on the sky and blotched. That did not make me happy.  Oh well.  They are done right?! 

Thanks for reading! 

Margaret xxx

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